
VoIP Importance

5 Reasons why VoIP Will Still Be Important in 2020

Thanks to the rise of smartphone technology, landlines are all but obsolete – at least in the consumer sector. For businesses, landlines are still very much necessary, but standard copper wires have all been replaced with VoIP service for a few very important reasons. Below are the five reasons why

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network security assessment

Can a Network Security Assessment Benefit Your Company?

Data breaches occur almost every single day around the world, and not even major companies like Equifax and Capital One are immune to them. If you are concerned about your business becoming the next victim of a hacker’s determination to gain access to personal information, a network security assessment could

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5 Important Benefits of Hardware as a Service

If you’ve spent much time reading up about the latest in technology, then you have likely learned quite a bit about the benefits of Software as a Service, or SaaS. If you are a business owner, you may even utilize SaaS each day to keep operations smooth and seamless. Hardware

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