
Vulnerability Scanning

Vulnerability Scanning

Vulnerability scanning has become a crucial process in IT security that involves systematically identifying, assessing, and prioritizing security vulnerabilities in computer systems, networks, applications, and other IT infrastructure. It’s essentially like a health check for your digital assets, helping organizations proactively identify weaknesses before they can be exploited by malicious

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Windows 11 Tips & Tricks

Windows 11 Tips & Tricks

When purchasing a new computer, you may notice that the display differs from the usual Windows 10 interface. Windows 11 has now become the standard operating system shipped with new PCs and laptops and some users may find the transition a hassle. Here are some of our Windows 11 tips

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Deepfake Phishing Scam Alert

Beware of Deepfake Phishing Scams

In a recent deepfake phishing scam, an employee at an multinational corporation was fooled into paying out $25 million to scammers in an elaborate deepfake video conference. This is the first reported incident of this kind and may be a sign of more elaborate scams involving deepfakes and evolving AI

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Windows Bitlocker Drive Encryption

What is BitLocker and why should you use it?

If you’re in doubt about whether you should enable BitLocker or wondering if it’s safe to use this encryption tool, we have all your answers! Nowadays, it’s easy for hackers to steal sensitive information such as personal records, financial information, passwords, and more. This is why it’s essential that you

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