
Onsite vs Remote IT Support

Onsite vs. Remote IT Support – Pros and Cons of Each

If the time has come for your small to medium business to have some dedicated IT support, you have two options: onsite or remote support. Each one comes with its own unique set of pros and cons, as well. Exploring these benefits and drawbacks can help you make the best

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Security Alert: Change Your Twitter Password

Twitter has issued an alert to users prompting them to change their passwords after it was discovered some users’ passwords had been recorded in a plain text log file accessible by Twitter employees. Twitter has issued a message to most users alerting them of the issue with the following statement:

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Security Cameras

September Camera Sale

Fall into savings this month with our security camera specials! Get 10% off any PoE or HD-TVI camera during the month of September! We love our customers and try to make getting the right security camera for them as great as possible. Discover how easy it is to safeguard your assets, better serve

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thumb run your business not an it company

Run your Business, not an IT Company

You went into business because you have an interest and expertise in some particular product or service. You began the firm to offer that product or service, but a dirty little problem came along with that new company. IT requirements. You need equipment, and you need networks, printers, and data storage

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Why Should You Get On The Cloud

What is the Cloud: A Simple Analogy

You use the cloud and don’t even know it. Do you go to Amazon and create a wish list? Do you have an email account on Yahoo? That is cloud computing. All your emails are stored on Yahoo servers somewhere. They are on physical servers, of course, but they aren’t

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