
5 Important Benefits of Hardware as a Service

If you’ve spent much time reading up about the latest in technology, then you have likely learned quite a bit about the benefits of Software as a Service, or SaaS. If you are a business owner, you may even utilize SaaS each day to keep operations smooth and seamless. Hardware as a Service, or HaaS, is also beneficial for many business owners in many ways. Here are five of the most important benefits.  #1 – It Can Save You Money If your business is small and just getting off the ground, the idea of spending tens of thousands of dollars on network equipment can seem impossible. Fortunately, managed service providers (MSPs) offer HaaS to help you get the equipment you need without spending much at all. Instead of a massive investment, you can make a single (and affordable) payment that does not cut into your cashflow significantly and allows you to keep cash on hand for other things.  #2 – You Won’t Have to Worry about Obsolete Technology Though buying your own equipment outright means you don’t have to deal with payments, once that technology becomes obsolete – which is anywhere from three to five years in today’s digital world – you will be out that money and forced to consider buying all new equipment. When you choose HaaS instead, you will never experience business hiccups due to outdated technology because your MSP will work hard to ensure that your equipment adequately handles your business operations.  #3 – Your MSP Will Even Handle Maintenance Most small business owners aren’t sure about what goes into hardware maintenance. Perhaps they can keep a computer updated, but what about the software they use or even the programs responsible for backing up their data? These things require maintenance, but when you choose HaaS, you can rest comfortably in the knowledge that your MSP will stay on top of things for you.  #4 – It Will Grow with Your Business Like most business owners, your goal is more than likely growth and success. If you choose to supply your own hardware, you will need to purchase more computers, servers, and other pieces of equipment as your company grows, and this can quickly become incredibly expensive. HaaS is designed to be completely scalable, so when you need access to more hardware, your MSP will provide it to you. This works in reverse, as well; if you need to scale things down, it is also possible.  #5 – You Don’t Have to Worry about Security Keeping data secure can be a nightmare. While most people focus on making sure their software is up to date and all the security holes have been properly patched, they tend to overlook their hardware. Perhaps your old backup solution worked well for you until a specific point, but now that you must store even more data, your old solution is no longer as secure as it should be. In this case, the MSP will help you obtain the equipment you need to protect your backups and keep things running smoothly.  As you can see, HaaS is incredibly beneficial, especially for small businesses without the funding to buy brand-new equipment and pay for a team of IT professionals to maintain it. Managed service providers exist to do this kind of work on your behalf, which allows you to worry less about your network and data and more about running your business.

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