5 Benefits of Moving Your Apps to the Cloud
In 2017, a security report published by Intel showed that 93% of some 1400 IT professionals were using some sort of cloud service in their organization. This indicates that even small companies are truly beginning to understand the importance of cloud computing and the benefits it can provide. Below, you can learn more about the five most important benefits of moving your company’s apps to the cloud. #1 – It Saves You Money If your company still uses its own servers and other hardware to host applications locally, you could save a great deal of money by switching to the cloud. Building and operating full-on datacenters can get incredibly expensive when you figure the cost of the hardware, facilities, utilities, employees, security, and more that goes into them. When you switch to the cloud, you can cut your IT costs substantially. #2 – Cloud Computing Gives You Flexibility Cloud computing programs run the gambit of everything your business needs. Everything from your CRM software to the productivity suites you use to help keep your employees on track come with flexible payment options designed to fit your budget. Most are subscription-based, which means you only pay for the services you need for as long as you need to use them. The best part? Cloud computing is far simpler to scale than a fully-fledged datacenter. It grows right along with your business, and all it takes is a few clicks or a phone call to make it happen. #3 – It Makes Communication Simpler In today’s world, with so many professionals required to make a project come together, anything you can do to facilitate communication is appreciated. Cloud computing is one of the best ways to do this; workflow and file-sharing apps located in the cloud can be accessed by anyone from anywhere at any time. This means everyone involved in a project can see updates in real time, share documents, and communicate far more effectively. #4 – Employees Can Work Remotely Gone are the days of employees only being able to work at their desks in the physical workplace. Today, the companies that provide employees with access to their applications from home, the subway, or anywhere they happen to be are the ones that enjoy the most success. Cloud apps can be accessed from desktop computers at home or at work, from laptops on the go, and in some cases, even from mobile phones or tablets. #5 – It Makes Redundancy and Data Recovery a Snap When you store your apps, documents, and data in the cloud as opposed to on-site, it makes redundancy – which is crucial for data recovery in the event of a disaster – a breeze. If there should be a fire, a flood, or any other natural disaster that damages your servers or hardware and renders data useless, you have copies stored online that you can access immediately to prevent downtime and keep your business moving right along. Cloud computing offers numerous advantages. Not only is it incredibly affordable, but as the years go by, it becomes safer and more secure at the same time. It saves you money, promotes flexibility and scalability, makes it easier for employees to collaborate, and provides immediate access to your data in the event of a disaster or hardware failure – all of which can help your business succeed.
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