Cloud Solutions


5 Awesome Benefits of Working Remotely that Everyone Needs to Consider

Whether you’re an employer who’s concerned that your employees might lack motivation or you’re an employee who looks forward to seeing your coworkers every day, you might be feeling some anxiety regarding working from home. Below are five awesome benefits of working remotely that everyone should consider. #1 – There’s No Commute Many people out there don’t really mind getting up and going to work in the morning (or at night). It’s the commute that they dread. Some people drive an hour or more to and from work each way, and it can be difficult staying motivated or entertained. Employees who can work remotely can avoid that commute, and it may even help them feel more productive. If they drive an hour each way, they’ve just gained two more hours a day, and that’s an extra 10 hours per five-day workweek. Remote work has a positive environmental impact by reducing commuting and its associated carbon emissions. With fewer people commuting to and from the office, remote work contributes to lower traffic congestion and air pollution. It aligns with sustainability goals and supports a greener approach to work. #2 – There’s a Bigger Applicant Pool When it comes to the best and brightest talent in all the hottest industries, workplace flexibility is a key consideration. They want the ability to work from home, and if a company doesn’t provide it, they’re likely to keep searching for a job that does. By opening your mind to the possibility of hiring remote workers – or at least giving people the option – you’ll have access to a much larger talent pool. Better still, you can hire someone across the country since commute time no longer has an effect on who you choose to fill positions. Remote work allows companies to tap into a global talent pool, as geographical barriers are no longer a constraint. Organizations can hire the best talent regardless of their location, increasing diversity and bringing in unique perspectives and expertise. #3 – People Can Work the Way They Want When people have the option to work the way they choose, whether that’s in their pajamas with a laptop on the couch or dressed in their best business casual in the home office, they are more autonomous, and that makes them more productive. Employees who work with deadlines rather than being forced to be at a desk from nine until five tend to be happier overall, too. Remote work provides the flexibility to choose where you work, allowing individuals to create a workspace that suits their preferences and needs. Whether it’s working from home, a co-working space, a coffee shop, or even while traveling, remote work offers the freedom to work from anywhere with an internet connection. #4 – Working Remotely Costs Less There’s no getting around it: providing employees with office space is incredibly expensive. In fact, for many companies, office space is one of their largest expenses. When you choose to allow employees to work remotely, you can save money on the office space, utilities, and the overhead costs associated with maintaining a physical office. Remote workers can save on commuting expenses, office attire, and dining out for lunch. Additionally, remote work may open up opportunities for individuals to live in more affordable areas, reducing housing expenses. As an employee, you’re saving money on your commute, your business wardrobe, and even lunches in the office. It’s truly a win-win situation for everyone, even if it is only temporary or only part-time. #5 – You Can Use New Technologies With everything from managed IT service to VoIP and cloud-based apps as a service, there’s truly a technology to make everything possible. When you give your employees all the right tools, they can and will succeed. It’s up to employers to choose the right technologies and the right protections. As an employee, you may find yourself learning how to use new technologies that can benefit not only your work life and your resume, but your personal life, as well. Working from home can be quite the transition, and it can cause anxiety among workers and employers alike. Nevertheless, more people are working from home now than ever before in history, and many of them are succeeding, too. Consider the five benefits above and it will be much easier to decide whether working remotely is the right choice for you. Working Remotely Challenges While there are many amazing benefits of working remotely, there are also some challenges to consider. One challenge can be the social isolation from other employees. Remote work can be isolating, especially for individuals who are used to working in a social office environment. The lack of face-to-face interaction and casual conversations with colleagues can lead to feelings of loneliness and decreased motivation. Additionally, remote workers may miss out on networking opportunities and building strong professional relationships. Another challenge for some employees are the social distractions at home. Some employees who have never worked remotely may have issues with time management or a lack of routine in their day-to-day as it can be difficult adjusting to working remotely for some. Some individuals thrive in a structured office environment, where routines and social interactions provide motivation. Remote work requires self-discipline and self-motivation, as individuals are responsible for managing their own time and maintaining focus. Without a clear routine or external accountability, productivity can be adversely affected. Finally some employers have cited issues with collaboration and team building when employees work from home. Remote workers also may face challenges in terms of career growth and visibility within their organizations. They may miss out on informal opportunities for professional development or networking that are more common in traditional office settings. Remote workers need to proactively seek out opportunities to showcase their skills and contributions to ensure career advancement. Working Remotely Conclusions We have gone over some of the benefits and challenges of working remotely today. Remote work often involves relying on virtual communication tools and platforms. This can sometimes lead to

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Cloud & Remote Monitoring Can Be the Difference Maker for SMBs

It’s a fast-paced world. Not only do people want things, they want things right now. This sometimes-unnerving need for instant satisfaction has only intensified now that we have Wi-Fi and mobile devices that keep us connected regardless of where we are, what we’re doing or the time of day. There is no longer any tolerance whatsoever for waiting. A business with a website that fails to load, or loads too slowly, will lose customers and leads to competitors. So what has your business done to address this need for constant accessibility and optimal uptime? Do you feel you’re doing enough to meet the demands and expectations of your customers, new business prospects and those who have just now found you on Google? If you’re a small-to-medium sized business owner, do you have confidence in your technology infrastructure? Can you say with certainty that your website, internal server, and mobile applications function smoothly, efficiently, and correctly? When your IT team leaves work to go live their lives, are you confident that things won’t go bump in the night? That you won’t be ringing their cell phone while they’re out having dinner with their family, or worse yet, sleeping? If you answer no to these questions, you may be one of the many small business owners who could benefit from cloud & remote monitoring. And you’ll be pleased to learn that cloud & remote monitoring can significantly improve all facets of your business – especially your service, productivity, reputation, and profitability. What is the Cloud? According to a study conducted by Wakefield Research, 54% of those questioned responded that they’ve never used cloud technology. However, the truth is that they’re in the cloud every day when they bank or shop online and send or receive email. Business owners, specifically non-tech savvy small business decision makers, are still apprehensive when it comes to moving their server and web monitoring services to the cloud.  But FDR’s famous quote, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” definitely applies here.  The cloud is nothing more than moving the storage and access of your data programs from a computer’s physical hard drive to another server hosted on the Internet There is nothing to fear. Benefits of Cloud & Remote Monitoring Obviously, these physical and virtual servers, their shared resources, and the applications they run on, must be monitored. This can be done from multiple remote locations and it’s called remote monitoring. Remote monitoring makes it easier to identify previously unseen patterns and potential problems within your infrastructure–issues that may be too difficult for any in-house support staff to detect. For instance, monitoring ensures that your site is delivering accurate page content and is meeting anticipated download speeds. It can detect unapproved changes, website tampering, and compromised data. Many businesses monitor their computer hardware for issues like failing hard drives, verifying their computers are up-to-date with security updates and patches, disk space, disk usage, antivirus status, and more. The continuous analyzing and testing of your network, website, and mobile applications can reduce downtime by as much as 80%. The speed and functionality of e-commerce transactions are also optimized. Additionally, cloud monitoring tests your email server at regular intervals, which minimizes failure deliveries and other issues pertaining to sending and receiving emails. Clearly, all of the above, along with the alerts that help identify and fix issues before they become catastrophes, make cloud monitoring an attractive way to gain insight into how end-users experience your site, while also enhancing their overall experience. Email us at or use our contact form to see how Pennyrile Technologies can help your business today.

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How Does IT Downtime Affect Your Business

Why Hybrid Clouds are More Than Just Another Trend

It should come as no surprise that many small to midsize business owners take pride in overseeing every aspect of their startup business. Naturally, many are apprehensive when it comes to surrendering control of their servers, their data, and their applications. The downside of this need for control is that operating and maintaining everything onsite can be time-consuming, super expensive, and it can make your business more vulnerable to failure related downtime and cyber threats. Hybrid Cloud Solutions Although everything can be stored in the cloud at a fraction of the cost, many aren’t responsive to the idea of sharing the infrastructure their technology runs on. The great thing about the cloud is it’s not an all or nothing thing. This is exactly why so many small to midsize businesses have turned to hybrid cloud solutions. Just as they name implies, hybrid cloud solutions are both on and off premises. It’s the best of both worlds. An entrepreneur can still control certain aspects of the business on-site, but simultaneously exploit the cloud’s cost effectiveness and overall scalability. For example, a local server can be housed and managed on-site but that server, or just specific files, can still be backed up in the cloud and stored far away off-site. This provides a partial disaster recovery solution in the event of a hurricane, flood, fire, or just a basic server crash. Here are some tips for developing your hybrid cloud strategy Honestly assess the current IT strategy – Over time, as your business grows and technology advances, your well-planned and neatly arranged IT infrastructure transforms into a disorganized mishmash of different servers and disconnected software and tools. View this almost as the spring-cleaning of a cluttered garage. What systems or applications are critical to your business right now and which ones no longer support your current or future business initiatives? Know what you want to keep close – Every business will be different in this regard. Certain companies will prefer keeping large files in-house, in a more controlled private cloud for easy access, but may be okay with having their emails out there in the cloud. See how others are leveraging a hybrid cloud environment – Services once only available to large enterprises are now available to SMBs. This presents an extraordinary opportunity to be more agile, flexible, and better suited for new business opportunities and growth. Remote monitoring, 24/7 support, and disaster recovery solutions can be easily integrated within a hybrid-computing environment – regardless of operating systems, server types or mobile devices used. Staged implementation – Be sure to plan your hybrid cloud strategy as a multi-year plan that is deployed in phases. For example, in the beginning, private controlled access to a public cloud service can be granted to internal application developers experimenting with a new business initiative. Or a new customer relations management SaaS (Software as a Service) application can be implemented. This is the year that even small or midsize enterprises are getting serious about cloud operations and a strategic mix of public cloud services and private cloud may make the transition easier. Email us at or use our contact form to see how Pennyrile Technologies can help your business today.

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Improving SEO

Why More SMBs are Turning to the Cloud to Reduce TCO

Reducing Total Cost of Ownership with the Cloud More small and mid-size businesses (SMBs) seem to be taking the initiative to learn more about the benefits of the cloud.   Determining why SMBs have this sudden keen interest in the cloud isn’t all that tricky. If you shouted, “Cost Savings!” in a room full of SMBs, you’d undoubtedly be the center of attention. And it seems as if this is also the motivating factor as to why more SMBs are looking into cloud-based solutions to reduce expenditures. Although it seems like an oxymoron to recommend investing in new technology to control costs, cloud-based solutions can be leveraged for a greater return on already inevitable operational expenses. By enhancing productivity and overall efficiency, the cloud could help spur business growth and profitability. Reasons more SMBs are Opening to Cloud-Based Solutions Here are few of the reasons more SMBs are opening up to cloud-based solutions… Containing Costs This is the big one. Every SMB wants their business to grow but that growth is accompanied by rising costs to maintain safe, reliable, and sustainable business technology.On-premise solutions are expensive.  If you’re paying someone $60K a year to manage and monitor your technology, and most of their day is spent performing routine maintenance tasks or running to the aid of the intern who complains that something is running slow, are you really getting a return on that investment? You can do better and your on-site IT support can do more for you.The cost for cloud-based solutions have been found to be anywhere from 35% to 50% lower than with on-premise solutions. This is because the cloud can completely eliminate most infrastructure costs such as servers, databases, backup, operating systems, upgrades, migration, physical space, power and cooling, and associated in-house or third party staffing costs. Greater Flexibility No doubt you’ve been privy to an office Happy Hour conversation or two about Infrastructure-as-a-Service (Iaas) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). Is that crickets we hear? Okay, well since you’re in the dark, the flexibility of the cloud makes it really attractive to SMBs. IaaS and PaaS are two increasingly popular cloud technologies because of their flexibility when it comes to big data analysis.IaaS technology is flexible as it allows an as needed rapid deployment of resources. Basically, fast expansion to accommodate growth. SMBs can pay accordingly for this on-demand usage, giving them the ability to access and analyze the kind of big data seen at larger enterprises without having to pay for necessary hardware capacity.PaaS technology gives SMBs the ability to affordably increase or decrease data storage capacity as needed.Of course, there must be a need for big data analysis that justifies the use of these technologies. Many SMBs may be just fine using Microsoft Excel for data analysis. Greater Mobility Many SMBs are turning to the cloud to provide remote employees with access to communications solutions. Through the cloud, remote workers can use smartphones, laptops, and notebooks to access documents and files for internal and external collaboration. Cloud Solutions Offered Pennyrile Technologies can help your business with many different cloud solutions. Some of the most common include: Migrating to Office 365 or Google Apps Server and Workstation Hosting Custom Application Hosting Cloud Storage Solutions Secure File Sharing Website Hosting As you can see, it’s understandable why the cloud is being seen by SMBs as the “great equalizer” to take their business to the next level and stay competitive with even the big dogs despite budget and staffing limitations. It also helps that cloud-monitoring services have simplified the monitoring and management of SMB cloud deployments, alleviating a lot of the fear about migrating to the cloud. Email us at or use our contact form to see how Pennyrile Technologies can help your business today.

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