Protection From Cyber Threats

Are You Really Protected from Cyber Threats?

Cyber threats. Are you really protected? Numerous reports from companies like Verizon and even Symantec show that small businesses are the targets of nearly half of all cyber attacks, but at the same time, more than half of all small business owners believe that their companies are too small to be victims. With this information in mind, it’s crucial for businesses of all sizes to ensure they are safe, and there are several ways to determine whether your company might be at risk.  What is a Cyber Threat? A cyber or cybersecurity threat is a malicious act that seeks to damage data, steal data, or disrupt digital life in general. Cyber threats include computer viruses, data breaches, Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and other attack vectors. Cyber threats also refer to the possibility of a successful cyber attack that aims to gain unauthorized access, damage, disrupt, or steal an information technology asset, computer network, intellectual property or any other form of sensitive data. Cyber threats can come from within an organization by trusted users or from remote locations by unknown parties. What is Cybersecurity? Cybersecurity is the protection of computer networks from attack and damage. It’s basically keeping your data safe online. Hackers are always looking for ways into your network and if they find a way in, then they can steal your information and ruin your business. If you do not take cybersecurity seriously, it could cost you millions of dollars in lost revenue. And what’s worse is that hackers don’t care about your company. They just want to make a quick buck. Therefore, when choosing a cybersecurity solution, ensure you choose one with a proven track record and with excellent customer service. The last thing you need is to spend time troubleshooting an issue, only to find out the next day that someone hacked into your system again. What are the Most Significant Cyber Threats? One of the most important parts of protecting your business from cyber attacks involves understanding the most common kinds of threats and what they could mean for your business. The three most common are: Viruses: Viruses spread from one PC to another – or from one network to another – replicating itself and spreading just like the flu. They can have all kinds of detrimental effects, including stealing data, shutting down networks, or rendering every computer in your business completely unusable. Phishing: Phishing scams occur when cyber criminals send emails purporting to be from reputable companies to entice users to provide their personal (or in this case, confidential business) information, which may include passwords, credit card numbers, and more. Ransomware: Ransomware is exactly what its name implies – software that holds data on your network hostage until you pay a ransom. It is devastating for many businesses, and it has been responsible for the closure of thousands over the last two decades. How to Protect Against Cyber Threats Cybersecurity is a big issue today. Hackers have become more sophisticated with their attacks over the years, and now target businesses of all sizes. If you want to keep yourself safe from cyber threats, then you need to know how to prevent them. Cybersecurity is a multi-pronged strategy that involves layers of defense to help protect your business. Keep Your Employees Informed If you don’t regularly take the time to talk to your employees about network and email security, there’s a good chance your business is not as protected as it should be. Once a week during your employee meetings, make sure that you are reminding everyone with access to your network about the dangers of ransomware, phishing, viruses, malware, and more. In fact, you can even phish test your employees with fake phishing emails that will help you discover how diligent your employees really are.  Use Endpoint Detection and Response Tools Endpoint detection and response (EDR), also referred to as endpoint detection and threat response (EDTR), is an integrated endpoint security solution that combines real-time continuous monitoring and collection of endpoint data with rules-based automated response and analysis capabilities. You can think of it as the next generation of antivirus. It continuously monitors network devices to detect and respond to cyber threats like ransomware and malware. Regularly Assess Your Network for Security Holes Finally, one of the absolute best things you can do to protect your data and network is to have regular security assessments conducted by professionals. These rigorous and in-depth assessments go through your entire network looking for potential issues. Things like your firewall, server, password vault, and more can all provide hackers and cyber criminals with the entry point they need to place viruses or ransomware in the system, and while the best way to prevent this is to reinforce the areas where criminals are most likely to enter, it’s impossible to do this if you don’t know which areas need reinforcement. That’s exactly what network assessments do.  Cyber threats can have a tremendous impact on your business. In fact, with roughly 83% of small businesses lacking the funds to deal with the repercussions of a cyber-attack – which has an average price tag of about $3 million – it becomes clear that the best course of action is prevention, and thanks to today’s advanced technologies, there are plenty of ways to secure your network – and keep it secure.  Cyber Threats Conclusion Cyber threats are not going away anytime soon. These are just a few ways to help secure your business against attacks. If your business needs help securing your network against cyber threats, then contact Pennyrile Technologies for a free cybersecurity consultation.

Are You Really Protected from Cyber Threats? Read More »